8th Finglish trip June 2009 #14
George Sundquist was born in Vexala village in Munsala, Finland and immigrated to the United States in 1952. He speaks Swedish (and English) and is a carpenter and founder of Sundquist Associates. Besides his wife, Marion, his other loves are music and sports. Sundquist was an Official at the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley; a US Track & Field Official between 1960 and 1970; Co-Founder of the California Youth Soccer Association 1969; Co-Founder United States Youth Soccer Association 1974 and National Chairman for USYSA Youth Championship 1980-87.
He attended Winter Olympics in Calgary 1988, Lillehammer 1994 and Salt Lake City 2002, was an Official at 1994 World Cup in the U.S., and was a member of CYSA Hall of Fame. He was a Trustee of Finlandia Foundation National, President of the Finlandia Foundation San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, a member of the Swedish-Finn Historical Society, Swedish Club of San Francisco, Norwegian Club of San Francisco, Scandinavian American Cultural & Historical Foundation and the Finnish American Home Association.

Next Hauli Huvila Reedley California USA
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